The Ally Challenge
Volunteer Agreement/Waiver

Age: Youth volunteers must be between 13 – 18 years of age. All other volunteers must be at least 18 years of age to be considered for a volunteer position at the tournament. Some positions require 21 or 25 years of age.

Transportation/Accommodation: Volunteers involved in the tournament understand that transportation and accommodation will not be provided by the tournament.

Shift Hours: Volunteer duties are applicable before, during and after the tournament. You will be notified of the shifts (service hours) that you will be required to complete. You will also be notified as to who you will report to (Vice Chair and Committee Captain). You may be required to attend scheduled trainings and briefings. You will be informed of the location and time of any training(s) and briefing(s) well in advance.

Dress Code: As a volunteer you will receive a uniform and a volunteer credential, which are to be worn at all times during your shift. Your uniform and credential are NOT transferable and, if lost, will not be replaced. You will be responsible for the maintenance, cleanliness and laundry of your own volunteer clothing. Volunteers must wear khaki (no denim) pants, capris, knee length shorts or skirts with their uniform during their volunteer shifts. Please wear closed toed shoes. Sandals and traditional golf spikes are not allowed.

Safety: We take pride in observing high standards of safety throughout the tournament. We endeavor to provide you with the safest volunteering conditions possible. As a member of the volunteer team, we ask you to comply with all safety requirements associated with your volunteer position and support related policies and procedures. Please follow the Vice Chair's and Committee Captain’s instructions with respect to safety at all times. Volunteers should communicate any and all problems, conflicts or suggestions (safety or otherwise) to their Committee Captain.

Golf Cart Acknowledgement: Golf carts are specifically used for the transportation of person but are used for utility purposes as well. They are significant value to our championship for efficiency and economic transportation. Recognizing that golf carts are moving vehicles, the TOUR has established safety rules and procedures for the safe operation of these vehicles. Golf cart operation will be governed by rules specified by TOUR. Volunteers must be 18 years old to operate a golf cart transporting supplies and 25 years old to transport passengers. Volunteers using a golf cart will be required to sign a separate Golf Cart Safety Training Acknowledgement and Liability Release prior to operating a golf cart.

Courtesy Car Driver Acknowledgement: Courtesy Car volunteers will be required to provide a copy of their valid driver's license prior to operating tournament courtesy cars.

Eligibility: Volunteers are subject to verification or eligibility by background and/or reference checks at the option of Tournaments for Charity and the PGA TOUR. You will not be eligible to volunteer in the future or may be dismissed during the tournament week for (but not limited to) the following:

  • Consumption/being under the influence of alcohol or drugs while on duty
  • Theft
  • Insubordination, abuse or mistreatment of players, fans, tournament staff, visitors, guests or other volunteers
  • Failure to abide by tournament policies and procedures
  • Failure to complete your shift(s) as directed by your Vice Chairman or Committee Captain
  • Allowing another person to use your volunteer credential
  • Seeking autographs outside of the designated autograph area
  • Entering restricted areas without proper credentials
  • Cancelling without returning items ordered/purchased as part of the volunteer program
  • Not being punctual and/or leaving your post unattended

Dismissal will NOT entitle any volunteer to a refund of the payment for the Volunteer Package. Tournaments for Charity and the PGA TOUR reserves the right to accept or reject applications in its sole discretion.

Use of Trademarks: Volunteers may not use the tournament name or logo, website content, written agreement or any material and publication that carry the tournament marks in any way without the written permission of Tournaments for Charity and the PGA TOUR.

Volunteer Credential Terms: You grant permission to Tournaments for Charity and the PGA TOUR to utilize your image or likeness incidental to any live or recorded television or other transmission or reproduction in whole or in part of the tournament. You agree not to transmit or facilitate transmission of any account, description, picture, or reproduction of the tournament, including, without limitation, scoring-related data, without the specific advance written permission of Tournaments for Charity or the PGA TOUR. Soliciting autographs from tournament players with intent to sell is prohibited. You agree that you shall not seek autographs of players in order to sell such autographs, and you shall not pay another person to obtain an autograph for you. For security purposes, no bags larger than six inches will be permitted onto the golf course, including purses, chair bags, and camera cases. You hereby consent to the reasonable inspection of your person and property before entering the tournament, which inspection may include, without limitation, metal detection. No food, coolers, ladders, signs, banners, radios, televisions, firearms, explosive devices, etc. will be permitted on the grounds. All mobile devices, PDAs, and pagers must be on silent or vibrate and must be used in accordance with the posted Mobile Device Policy. NO cameras or camcorders are allowed during tournament rounds. No alcoholic beverages may be brought onto or taken from the grounds of the tournament. You agree to abide by all rules and regulations established by the PGA TOUR and the tournament, and a violation of such rules and regulations, including failure to appear for a scheduled volunteer shift, can be a cause for termination of the licensed granted herein, forfeiture of the volunteer credential and your removal from the tournament. You agree to comply with the PGA TOUR golf cart policy. The volunteer credential cannot be used in a promotion or offered as a prize without permission from Tournaments for Charity and the PGA TOUR. Resale of the volunteer credential is not permitted. It is unlawful to reproduce the volunteer credential. Tournaments for Charity and the PGA TOUR reserves the right to revoke this credential and cancel all privileges connected therein.

SPECIFIC NOTICE REGARDING COVID-19:The coronavirus known as COVID-19 is a great concern for us all. In particular, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) states that based on currently available information and clinical expertise, older adults and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions might be at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19. More information about understanding risk can be found at If you have any questions about whether you should participate in the Tournament, please contact an appropriate health care provider.

While the Tournament has undertaken a number of measures to help mitigate the risk transmission of COVID-19 and other contagious illnesses, elimination of risk of exposure and infection to COVID-19 is not currently possible. Therefore, we understand if you cannot or do not wish to participate this year and hope that we can count on your participation in the future should circumstances change. Whether you are able to join us again this year or in the future, we appreciate you being part of the PGA TOUR volunteer family.

Should you choose to participate in the Tournament, you must follow all safety measures implemented by the Tournament with respect to COVID-19. In particular, you may be required to do the following depending on local and federal requirements:

  • Submit to screening for symptoms of COVID-19, as identified by the CDC at including temperature checks on a regular basis;
  • Submit to possible COVID-19 testing to the extent required by the Tournament;
  • Maintain social distancing (staying at least 6 feet - about 2 arms’ length - from other people) whenever possible;
  • Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer that contains 60% alcohol including the hand sanitizer provided by the Tournament as often as possible;
  • Wear personal protective equipment such as facecloths or masks that meet CDC guidelines, such as those that may be provided to you by the Tournament, in such circumstances when directed by the Tournament;
  • Use sanitizing and disinfecting wipes provided by the Tournament as directed by the Tournament; and
  • Practice “Safer at Home” behaviors when not at tournament during tournament week including social distancing whenever possible, avoiding unnecessary trips and unnecessary interactions, and wearing masks whenever social distancing is not possible.

Further information about the requirements for each committee will be provided once volunteer assignments have been made.

We greatly appreciate your interest in volunteering at the Tournament and know that you share our concern for the safety of all participants at the Tournament. Working together, we are confident we can make this Tournament a success for the local community.

Release of Liability:In connection with Tournament volunteer activities, including the activities of an underage volunteer (“Minor”) for whom consent is given as such Minor’s legal guardian, volunteers and applicable legal guardians (“Volunteers”) agree and understand that presence during The Ally Challenge presented by McLaren at Warwick Hills Golf & Country Club (the “Facility”) and any volunteer work or services performed for the Tournament, the Facility, PGA TOUR, the title sponsor of the Tournament (if any), their affiliates and subsidiaries and their respective officers, directors, agents, members, employees and officials as well as any other volunteer (collectively, “Indemnified Parties”) may expose volunteers to unknown and unanticipated risks of harm or injury. In particular, I acknowledge I have received and read the “Specific Notice Regarding COVID-19 to Volunteers” provided to me.

In consideration of and as a prerequisite to participation as a volunteer, volunteers and legal guardians on behalf of Minors acknowledge that such risks exist, assume all such risks including all risks related to COVID-19, and release and discharge the Indemnified Parties from any and all claims for liability for personal injury or illness (including death) or property damage that such volunteers or Minors may suffer while performing the volunteer work or service, whether or not on the premises of the Facility, including, without limitation, any claim arising out of any condition of the premises owned by the Facility or used by PGA TOUR for, or conduct of any person during preparation, supervision or conduct of, the Tournament or any practice round or activity related to it. Volunteers accept full responsibility for the costs of treatment for any illness and/or injury or damages suffered while volunteering in connection with the Tournament. Volunteers acknowledge having read this release and agree to be bound by the terms set forth herein in consideration for performing volunteer services.

INTEGRITY PROGRAM: The PGA TOUR Integrity Program is intended to maintain integrity and prevent betting-related corruption in PGA TOUR competitions. Each volunteer is subject to the terms of the PGA TOUR Integrity Program Manual (new window) (the “Integrity Program Manual”). The Integrity Program Manual, among other things: prohibits volunteers from betting on the Tournament and providing inside information to third parties for purposes of betting on the Tournament; and requires volunteers to report any violations of the Integrity Program Manual to the TOUR. A violation of the Integrity Program may result in dismissal from volunteering for the Tournament, among other consequences.

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